NEM KACSÁK VAGYUNK EGY TAVON, HANEM HAJÓK A TENGEREN független muvészeti helyek Budapesten, 1989-2009
(Könyv, 128 oldal, magyar és ángol nyelven)
Bemutató / Budapest: 2010., Június 1., 20h (Cím: Labor, 1053 Budapest, Képíró utca 6.)
Szerkesztők: Kálmán Rita, Katarina Šević
Társzerkesztők: Bálint Mónika, Csatlós Judit
Fordítás:Rudnay Zsófia, Sipos Dániel, Somogyi Hajnalka, Jim Tucker
Lektorálás: Csatlós Judit, Jim Tucker
Grafikai tervezés: Kasia Korczak
Kiadó: Impex – Kortárs Művészeti Szolgáltató Alapítvány
Budapest, 2010
Nyomdai munka: Demax Művek, Készült 600 példányban
ISBN 978-963-06-5169-1
Megrendelés: [email protected]
Támogató: Nemzeti Kulturális Alap
This book endeavors to introduce Budapest’s independent art scene of the past 20 years and provide assistance to the understanding of its autonomy, its transience, and its relation to the society’s economic and ideological framework through mapping its evolution, its participants and sites.
It is difficult to grasp and interpret an independent art scene: its boundaries and definitions keep changing together with the transforming political, economic and cultural environment. In accordance with their lifestyle, the independent artists of the eighties considered themselves as ‘alternative’, while the political power viewed them as a political factor. Today, there is a tendency to describe artists’ organizations that are unrelated to institutions and the market as ‘independent’.
The book offers a missing biography, providing reference for a better understanding of the relationship between the self-organized and the institutionalized, and the manifold ways in which these structures mutually shape one another. It is about the projects set up on non-bureaucratic structures which emerged and were transformed along various schemes, before disappearing. It is about sites, which elude self-definition and almost never leave behind a documented trace.
— Introduction / Between the Theatre and the Museum — Katarina Šević
— Budapest: Continuum Hypothesis — Nagy Gergely
— Suspended Communities — Polyák Levente
— Alternatives to the Institutional System — Mélyi József
— Center versus Periphery — Czeglédi Nina
— Operation Paprika, or how to bring the Hungarian cultural life to bubble and tremble — Jan Kennis
— Import/Export — Self-interview Impex
— Directory of 60 spaces
— Centres of Periphery — alternative communities and culture in Pécs — Lowas Péter
— Quotations
— The Black Box of Artists’ Initiatives — Hegyi Dóra, Tímar Katalin
— Bibilography
— Biographical notes